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Monday, September 23, 2024 – The Northern Front

Writer's picture: Adi Ronen ArgovAdi Ronen Argov

Attacks against Israel

About 200 rockets fired during the night and day.

‣ Drone alert at Ramat Magshimim, Meitsar, Hamat Gader, coming from Iraq. Intercepted.

‣ Rocket alert at Netu’a and Sassa.

‣ Drone alert at Hila, Hosen, Kfar Vradim, Me’ona, Mi’ilia, Ma’alot Tarshiha - false identification.

‣ Rocket alert at Kadita, Dalton, Jish, Kerem Ben Zimra.

‣ Rocket alert at Elkosh and Abbirim.

25 launches. Falls near Ami’ad, Akbara, Kahal and some shrapnel segments in Safed.

‣ Drone alert in Abbirim, Elkosh, Netu’a, Fassuta, Dovev, Sassa, Matat.

10 launches. Falls in Giv’at Avni (direct hit) and in open areas around Golani Junction. 5 persons wounded at Golani Junction, one person in Giv’at Avni.

‣ Rocket alert at Hurfaysh.

‣ Rocket alert at Beit Hillel.

‣ Missiles fired at army base in Ami’ad.

‣ Missiles fired at Raphael facility in the Galilee.

‣ Alarm siren at Margaliot.

Interceptions. Falls in Kadita, Kiryat Tiv’on, Yokne'am.

10 launches. Falls at central Galilee and Yokne'am.

‣ Drone alert at Netu’a, Elkosh, Fassuta, Abbirim.

‣ Missile alerts at Karnei Shomron, Ale Zahav, Pedu’el, Elkana, Ets Efraim, Beit Arye-Ofarim, Imanu’el, Kdumin, Havat Gil’ad, Brukhin, Ariel, Yakir, Revava, Barkan, Kiryat Netafim, Nofim, Havat Yair, Alfei Menashe, Sha’arei Tikva. 10 launches. Falls in several colonies and in the Palestinian village Deir Istiya. 2 Palestinians wounded.

‣ Missile alerts in Safsufa, Jish.

30 launches. Falls in open areas.

‣ Alarm siren at Mas’ada – anti-tank missiles. Interception.

Israeli attacks against South Lebanon

‣ 1300 targets were attacks during the night and day;

‣ 492 persons killed, 35 of them children, 58 women;

‣ 1,645 persons wounded. Many missing persons.

‣ The number of persons killed in the Beirut bombing 2 days ago has risen to 52,

9 are still missing. The number of wounded persons stands at 1,500, most of them losing fingers or eyes.

‣ Massive aerial bombing in the districts of Nabatieh, Beqaa, Baalbek, Al Hermel, Al Zaharani, Tyre, Saida, the Litani river.


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