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Writer's pictureAdi Ronen Argov

Data, October 7, 2023 - December 31, 2024 – The West Bank


‣ Number of residents in the West Bank:

◦ 2,936,689 Palestinians;

◦ 503,732 Israelis;

‣ Number of residents in Jerusalem:

◦ 597,000 Israelis;

◦ 384,700 Palestinians;

◦ 2,119 Israelis reside in East Jerusalem.

Colonies and colonist outposts

‣ 383 colonies and outposts in the West Bank;

‣ In 2024, 43 new colonist outposts were founded.

Palestinians killed

‣ Since October 7, 2023, 839 Palestinians were killed. Of these:

◦ 174 minors;

◦ 15 women;

◦ 120 schoolchildren.

‣ In 2024, 550 persons were killed, 93 of them minors;

‣ 10 Palestinians were killed around the Separation Wall.

Israelis killed

‣ Since October 7, 2023, 41 Israelis were killed. Of these:

◦ 19 soldiers;

◦ 3 minors.

‣ In 2024, 34 Israelis were killed. Of these:

◦ 15 soldiers;

◦ 3 minors.

Palestinians wounded

‣ Since October 7, 2023; 7,592 Palestinians were wounded. Of these:

◦ 2,382 wounded by live fire;

◦ 1,207 wounded by physical violence of soldiers or colonists;

◦ 655 of the persons wounded are schoolchildren.

‣ In 2024, 3,258 Palestinians were wounded. Of these:

◦ 1,134 wounded by live fire;

◦ 824 wounded by physical violence of soldiers or colonists;

‣ 78 Palestinians were wounded around the Separation Wall.

Israelis wounded

‣ Since October 7, 2023, 206 Israelis were wounded. Of these:

◦ 104 soldiers;

◦ 6 minors.

‣ In 2024, 169 Israelis were wounded. Of these:

◦ 79 soldiers;

◦ 7 minors.


‣ Over 12,000 persons have been arrested since October 7, 2023. Of these:

◦ 790 minors;

◦ 131 journalists;

◦ 158 teachers.

‣ 10,300 held in custody, 345 of them minors;

‣ Among those incarcerated, 3,428 are in administrative detention, including 85 minors;

‣ Over 10,000 new administrative detention orders or arraignments have been issued since October 7, 2023.

Demolitions and displacements

‣ In 2024, Israel demolished 1,768 structures, of them 765 inhabited houses;

‣ 4,266 persons have been displaced, of these 1,632 minors;

‣ 165,000 persons affected by demolitions (including owners of commercial venues, schoolchildren etc.);

‣ According to the UN Office of Humanitarian Affairs, this has been the most destructive year since documentation began two decades ago.

Colonist violence

‣ In 2024, 1,420 cases of colonist attacks against Palestinians were recorded. This has been the most violent year since documentation began two decades ago;

‣ 5 Palestinians were killed and 360 wounded, of these 35 minors;

‣ 26,100 trees were vandalized;

‣ 300 families were displaced by colonist violence, namely 1,762 persons including 856 minors.

Clashes between PA Security Forces and their Opponents

‣ Since December 5, 2024, violent confrontations have been taking place between the PA forces and their opponents, especially in Jenin refugee camp;

‣ 13 persons killed:

◦ 8 opponents, 3 minors among them;

◦ 5 force members.


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