‣ Number of residents in the West Bank:
◦ 2,936,689 Palestinians;
◦ 503,732 Israelis;
‣ Number of residents in Jerusalem:
◦ 597,000 Israelis;
◦ 384,700 Palestinians;
◦ 2,119 Israelis reside in East Jerusalem.
Colonies and colonist outposts
‣ 383 colonies and outposts in the West Bank;
‣ In 2024, 43 new colonist outposts were founded.
Palestinians killed
‣ Since October 7, 2023, 839 Palestinians were killed. Of these:
◦ 174 minors;
◦ 15 women;
◦ 120 schoolchildren.
‣ In 2024, 550 persons were killed, 93 of them minors;
‣ 10 Palestinians were killed around the Separation Wall.
Israelis killed
‣ Since October 7, 2023, 41 Israelis were killed. Of these:
◦ 19 soldiers;
◦ 3 minors.
‣ In 2024, 34 Israelis were killed. Of these:
◦ 15 soldiers;
◦ 3 minors.
Palestinians wounded
‣ Since October 7, 2023; 7,592 Palestinians were wounded. Of these:
◦ 2,382 wounded by live fire;
◦ 1,207 wounded by physical violence of soldiers or colonists;
◦ 655 of the persons wounded are schoolchildren.
‣ In 2024, 3,258 Palestinians were wounded. Of these:
◦ 1,134 wounded by live fire;
◦ 824 wounded by physical violence of soldiers or colonists;
‣ 78 Palestinians were wounded around the Separation Wall.
Israelis wounded
‣ Since October 7, 2023, 206 Israelis were wounded. Of these:
◦ 104 soldiers;
◦ 6 minors.
‣ In 2024, 169 Israelis were wounded. Of these:
◦ 79 soldiers;
◦ 7 minors.
‣ Over 12,000 persons have been arrested since October 7, 2023. Of these:
◦ 790 minors;
◦ 131 journalists;
◦ 158 teachers.
‣ 10,300 held in custody, 345 of them minors;
‣ Among those incarcerated, 3,428 are in administrative detention, including 85 minors;
‣ Over 10,000 new administrative detention orders or arraignments have been issued since October 7, 2023.
Demolitions and displacements
‣ In 2024, Israel demolished 1,768 structures, of them 765 inhabited houses;
‣ 4,266 persons have been displaced, of these 1,632 minors;
‣ 165,000 persons affected by demolitions (including owners of commercial venues, schoolchildren etc.);
‣ According to the UN Office of Humanitarian Affairs, this has been the most destructive year since documentation began two decades ago.
Colonist violence
‣ In 2024, 1,420 cases of colonist attacks against Palestinians were recorded. This has been the most violent year since documentation began two decades ago;
‣ 5 Palestinians were killed and 360 wounded, of these 35 minors;
‣ 26,100 trees were vandalized;
‣ 300 families were displaced by colonist violence, namely 1,762 persons including 856 minors.
Clashes between PA Security Forces and their Opponents
‣ Since December 5, 2024, violent confrontations have been taking place between the PA forces and their opponents, especially in Jenin refugee camp;
‣ 13 persons killed:
◦ 8 opponents, 3 minors among them;
◦ 5 force members.
Sources: Addameer, Al Jazeera, Commission of Detainees and Ex-Detainees Affairs, DCI - Palestine, Democracy Now, Haaretz, IDF (Israel Defence Forces), International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, The Institute for National Security Studies (INSS), Jordan Valley Activists (Media groups), Letters of American healthcare workers who worked in Gaza, Local Call, OCHA OPT, Looking the Occupation in the Eye, Masafering (Outside the Herd), Middle East Eye, Ministry of Public Health, Lebanon, Palestinian Health Ministry, Palestine Red Crescent Society, Quds News, South Hebron Mountain Activists (Media groups), UNICEF, Wafa News Agency, WHO.